
OOTD: "Step 1: Go Exploring: Talk To Strangers"

"No one has seen exactly what you have.
No one has been to all the places you've visited.
No one feels just as you do.
Find out why."

Top - Urban Outfitters
Shorts - DIY

When shopping, I have rules that I follow.
1.) No item should cost more than $20... Unless it's a blazer or a jacket.
2.) Always, always, always start at the sales section, especially at places like Urban Outfitters or online websites. You never know what good things you'll find.
3.) Sometimes it's best to shop alone. For me, when I shop alone, there isn't anyone to judge when I buy things, but sometimes that doesn't really matter to me. I could care less what people think of what I choose.

So. That is my shopping guide... for clothes. When it comes to other products, buy what you want, which explains my huge stuffed animal collection.

May 24 was my friend's birthday. I met him in my senior year of high school, and we've been talking ever since. We're like brother's and sister.
May 24 going into the 25th, the day that I'm posting this, he invited me to a small get together with his manager, manager's boyfriend, and co-worker at a karaoke place.
It was pretty cool, pretty chill.

I had a conversation with his manager's boyfriend, Kenrico (I am no really sure how to spell his name), but my birthday friend calls him Rico.
Rico is from the Virgin Islands. He is half Puerto-Rican and half West Indian Caribbean.
He went to college in Connecticut, studying Forensic Psychology, and is a behavioral counselor.
This is honestly as far as I remember from last night.
He was a very interesting individual and we had an in-depth conversation about different accents and his parents culture.

It was a great get-together.


Weekends Pass by fast... Days Pass by fast [Part 2]

I separated this post from the other one because I made an interesting purchase on May 22, 2013.
I bought a book. Don't laugh when I tell you which book I got because I decided to give myself a challenge with this purchase.
The book I bought is, "How to Be Interesting (In 10 Simple Steps) by Jessica Hagy
[from Urban Outfitters]

My summer is long and boring, especially since I have work Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as summer classes in July.
Well, this book has 10 steps and, in each step, there are 12 things to do.
I have decided to start off my summer with each thing in this book that would make me interesting.
There are going to be some where I can't physically do something, so I've decided to keep track of it with my blog.
I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to do one every day, but when I'm bored, I'll probably do 1 or 2 or more and post each one in a separate post.
It's a pretty neat challenge, isn't it?
For each challenge, I will start it off with an outfit of the day.

If you think some of the things I do from this book inspires you in some way, comment below each post and tell me what your adventures.

It's going to be a fun ride.
Stay tuned.

Weekends Pass by fast... Days Pass by fast [Part 1]

Weekends DO pass by fast, and so do the days, considering it's already Thursday.
I went shopping with Dan and his mother. Afterwards, I took a picture of how I looked because I felt like it.
Although it was gloomy and wet outside, I was having a very good hair day.
If you don't remember from my last blog post, I got a haircut recently and I've been having a hard time just styling it.
However, on this day, when I went with Dan and his mother to go shopping for clothes for his first week of work, I had a strange good hair day, but weird lounge wear day. It was an unexpected cold weekend, so I wore Dan's pajama pants outside. It was comfortable, but it's not something I would normally go out to wear.

After we came back from South Jersey, Dan was really nervous about his first day. He was so nervous, he planned out what he was going to wear and folded his clothes.
That's unexpected of him.

Today, I went shopping because I was so bored during the day. I literally sat around doing nothing... except watched some TV and caught up on my TV shows (almost there).
After we came back, Dan started playing his favorite game: Transformers.
Congratulations to him for making it in the top 10 rank in the game.
(According to him, because I know nothing about video games, you have to play almost every day and WIN to be first rank.)
I noticed when guys play video games, their expressions aren't in their face or eyes, but specifically in their eyebrows... Well, for Dan, it is.
When he normally plays, or how he puts it, when nothing's really going on, his eyebrows are normal.
Apologies for the smile, he actually pushed me after he realized I was taking a picture.

When something comes up... Well... You'll see the difference.
HAHA! A completely different eyebrow shape. They're actually raised and his lips are pursed.
When I showed him, he couldn't help but laugh. Then he started controlling his eyebrows, or at least trying to. He ended up just twitching his eyebrows and gave up and went back to the same weird eyebrow.


Finals are Over!!!

So if you don't remember, I posted a picture in my last blog post of an outfit that I got and wanted to wear... 

I wore it to my first exam, with the addiction of a hat. 
I didn't really take a picture of my whole self, but I wore it!
My professor thought I looked good too. She liked my bowler hat and told me as I was leaving.
Totally brightened my day.

I made Dan wake up to take the picture for me and also congratulate me on acing my first final, East Asian Art.

This was what I was studying.

Of course, I took multiple breaks to procrastinate.
I got myself one of those 75 cents Frozen Coke from Burger King.
Enough of boring finals though. Those are O-V-E-R!
Dan's roommates, Kevin and Nathan, were procrastinating as well.
They just jammed though.

I went to work after my first exam, and Dan was going to shave his winter beard. Of course, his winter beard's last wish was to be shaved into a funny mustache... And then he shaved it all off.

Yes... He will kill me for posting that. Haha. Oh well, it was worth posting.
I also got a haircut. It was time with all my dead ends frizzing up my hair. It's okay. I just haven't learned to style it yet.

For the record, I'm wearing a tank top. ;)

Well, I haven't taken pictures of any of the things I got online, but I will... eventually.
Stay tuned for more.


Cram Days and Outfits I Should Wear... But Haven't

It's finals week. I'm cramming, who else is cramming?
I did do some exciting stuff. If only I can remember what I did.

Of course, everyday starts off with me waking Dan up. He's a very grumpy person in the morning, especially when I'm around bothering him.

There's our froyo adventures on campus. There is a Red Mango on campus, but it was closed by the time we were ready for froyo. So we went to our campus's "Truly Yogurt".
My mistake was getting too less for two...

It was a little chilly though.

I also have a hobby of making cards... So far, I have completed 2 mother's day cards, and 3 graduation cards.
Here's Dan's Mother's Day card to his mom.

More sleepy days... What a cutie.
(Too bad, he hates it when I take pictures of him sleeping. Hehe!)

Here's a funny thing that happened...
I teach little kids at a place called KUMON. (I'm a very scary teacher, but very efficient worker.)
There's this game I play on Dan's iPhone called Bookworm (or something like that).
I couldn't think of a word, but it just so happened that the letters I was provided could spell out "KUMON"... When I entered it in, I put it in as a joke, but it accepted it!
I thought it was worth taking a picture of...

Cinco de Mayo passed recently, and I was very busy that day. Dan and I woke up early to go to my house and help my mom buy 24 bags of 3 cubic feet bags of black cedar mulch. We were very surprised that it fit his car. After that, we went to my mom's apartment she rented out to look at a broken drawer. After that we went back to the apartment and slept for a good 3 hours. I was determined to go to the mall that weekend because I got my paycheck the Tuesday before. Gotta love paycheck days. I purchased a soft pink blazer at Forever 21, along with a long multi-colored cross tank top. I also bought three books, but only put 2 in the picture. Two were for my Shakespeare class, and the last one was Calvin and Hobbes. I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes! They were the funniest comics I ever read as a kid.
The skirt in the picture was also from Forever 21, but I purchased that Fall 2011.

I've done a lot of shopping and online shopping because of my paycheck... Now... I'm poor again.
Shame, shame, shame. I'm a terrible person. BUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
More pictures to come once everything gets shipped in.